Monday, January 3, 2011

Salutations! I am Mrs Adriel Ow Yong , form teacher of Class 1H. I hope you had an enjoyable time with your child during the December holidays. Over the course of this year,
I will be teaching your child English, Mathematics, Art & Crafts, Music and Social Studies.

I am looking forward to know both you and your child better this semester.

I will do my best to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, this cannot be achieved without your assistance. I would need you to partner me in your child’s learning process; guiding your child at home and ensuring that he/she has completed all his/her homework promptly. He/ She will be instructed to jot down all homework for the day in his/her pupil handbook.

Please ensure homework are completed.

The purpose of homework is two-fold: to reinforce what we have learned in class, and to teach responsibility. A child who has done his/her homework is prepared, in class, to hear explanations of what he/she has trouble with at home. It also helps students develop good work habits for future years.

Each evening, you can expect your child to have his/her homework (if any) written in the handbook.

I can be contacted at 6482 4650 (school number). Alternatively, you can leave a note in your child’s handbook. I will be most glad to discuss any concern you have.
I believe with your partnership, your child will enjoy learning and succeed in school.

I look forward to an enriching time of learning with your child!

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Adriel Ow Yong

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