Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Changes in Timetable

Dear parents,

Kindly note the following changes to the time table:

1) Tuesday : The class PE teacher will be conducting Health Education on every Tuesday during her PE lesson period. Hence , there is no need for the students to wear PE T-shirts on Tuesday.
She will using the Health Education books with the students.

2) Wednesday: The Art & Craft periods on every Monday (9.15 100 10.15 am ) has been changed to every Tuesdays ( 11.45 am - 12.45 pm).

Thank you,
Mrs Ow Yong


  1. Dear Mrs Ow Yong

    Thanks for informing us of the changes in the time table. We would like to confirm that the Maths lesson on Tuesday 11.45 am to 12.45 pm would then be moved to Monday 9.15 am to 10.15 am time slot.

    Thanks again.

    Parents of Chuan Kit

  2. Hi Mr and Mrs Loh,

    Yes you are correct. Maths lessons will be moved to Monday.

    Thank you,
    Mrs Ow Yong
