Sunday, January 9, 2011

Classroom Decoration

On 8 January , some parents took time off to help in the classroom decoration. The students had a pleasant surprise this monrning when they return to class & saw the transformation. They now have a colourful learning environment.

I would like to thank the following parents for taking their precious time off to help :
1) Mrs Chew ( mum of Kai En )
2) Mrs Tan ( mum of Alicia )
3) Mr Tay ( dad of Xavier)
4) Mr Lim ( dad of Georgia)
5) Mrs Azlan ( mum of Athirah)
6) Mr & Mrs Ho ( parents of Zxan)
A special thanks also go to our little helpers: Kai En, Athirah, Alicia, Xavier and Georgia. They were great!
Best regards,
Mrs Ow Yong

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