Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ICT Lessons

The students have 3 sessions of Touch Typing lessons. Last week, our ICT trainers explored the use of Microsoft Word with the students. They typed out simple sentences. This week they will learn how to insert pictures to their writing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fitness Friday

We had our fitness Friday on 14 Jan 2011.We had a great workout in the hall following a workout video.

Buddy Leaders

After staying in their classroom for 3 days during recess, IH was sure excited to join the other students in the canteen for recess. For 3 days , the students from Primary 3H took care of the students in 1H. They showed them how to buy food, where to return the utensils, where the toilets are etc.

Thank you 3H for the great job. 1H is now more confident to take care of themselves during recess.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Maths Counting Games

Hi Primary 1Happy,

Today we are going to revise our counting by playing some fun online games.

Click on the links below to try the games.

1. Fishing Mission

2. Counting on a Cloud

3. Fishy Count Game

4. Curious George Count Your Chickens

5. Teach me 123

May you have loads of fun!

Mrs Ow Yong

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Classroom Decoration

On 8 January , some parents took time off to help in the classroom decoration. The students had a pleasant surprise this monrning when they return to class & saw the transformation. They now have a colourful learning environment.

I would like to thank the following parents for taking their precious time off to help :
1) Mrs Chew ( mum of Kai En )
2) Mrs Tan ( mum of Alicia )
3) Mr Tay ( dad of Xavier)
4) Mr Lim ( dad of Georgia)
5) Mrs Azlan ( mum of Athirah)
6) Mr & Mrs Ho ( parents of Zxan)
A special thanks also go to our little helpers: Kai En, Athirah, Alicia, Xavier and Georgia. They were great!
Best regards,
Mrs Ow Yong

Temperature Taking Exercise

The students had their first temperature taking exercise in class on 7 January. Although it was their first time doing it, the process went smoothly and most of them were able to follow the instructions.

I have returned the thermometers for the students to bring home today. Please return them to me tomorrow. I will be safe keeping the thermometers for the students in class. This will facilitate the next temperature taking exercise.

Thank you ,

Mrs Ow Yong

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Changes in Timetable

Dear parents,

Kindly note the following changes to the time table:

1) Tuesday : The class PE teacher will be conducting Health Education on every Tuesday during her PE lesson period. Hence , there is no need for the students to wear PE T-shirts on Tuesday.
She will using the Health Education books with the students.

2) Wednesday: The Art & Craft periods on every Monday (9.15 100 10.15 am ) has been changed to every Tuesdays ( 11.45 am - 12.45 pm).

Thank you,
Mrs Ow Yong

Monday, January 3, 2011

Orientation 2

I met the students in 1H for the first time on 30 December 2010. I was both scared and excited to meet them.

Together with my 2 co-form teachers, Mdm Won and Miss Lum, we had a fun time playing games to get to know each other.

Here are some photos taken during the second orientation.

Salutations! I am Mrs Adriel Ow Yong , form teacher of Class 1H. I hope you had an enjoyable time with your child during the December holidays. Over the course of this year,
I will be teaching your child English, Mathematics, Art & Crafts, Music and Social Studies.

I am looking forward to know both you and your child better this semester.

I will do my best to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, this cannot be achieved without your assistance. I would need you to partner me in your child’s learning process; guiding your child at home and ensuring that he/she has completed all his/her homework promptly. He/ She will be instructed to jot down all homework for the day in his/her pupil handbook.

Please ensure homework are completed.

The purpose of homework is two-fold: to reinforce what we have learned in class, and to teach responsibility. A child who has done his/her homework is prepared, in class, to hear explanations of what he/she has trouble with at home. It also helps students develop good work habits for future years.

Each evening, you can expect your child to have his/her homework (if any) written in the handbook.

I can be contacted at 6482 4650 (school number). Alternatively, you can leave a note in your child’s handbook. I will be most glad to discuss any concern you have.
I believe with your partnership, your child will enjoy learning and succeed in school.

I look forward to an enriching time of learning with your child!

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Adriel Ow Yong