Saturday, February 26, 2011

Green Tuesday

On one of the Green Tuesday this Term, the children were rewarded by Mr Ali with a wrist band if they brought a bottle from home for recycling. These are ways the school is instilling the importance of recycling to the children & encouraging the children to play their part for Mother Earth.

We continue all students to bring one or two items for recycling every Tuesday. We look forward to your support!

Our First Painting Lesson

Busy hands helping each other with the aprons

The students were working on an art piece " Underwater World" last week. The mention that I will be letting them paint the backgrounds set them all excited. I recalled how excited I used to be on the rare occassions whenever my art teacher allowed us to paint too when I was little.

I did not anticipate that it will take me quite a while to get my 30 little excited darlings to don on their aprons. Though most of them could tie their shoelaces, tying the ribbons of their aprons proved to be a little challenge for most of them as the ribbons are now located at the back of their waists. It was nice to see them helping each other with the ribbons. Finally almost after a period, we were all ready to go down to the art room.

After sketching their drawings, they outlined their drawings with black markers. This will allow them to still see the tracing after they applied the blue paint. When the paint dried, They were taught how to do colour blending using oil pastels. I hope to upload some of their nice masterpieces soon.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Choral Reading

All the people ran and ran.......

and over a crane,

The yellow group preparing for their choral reading.

For part of their English Assessment this term, the students need to perform a choral reading.They are then assess based on Eye Contact, Clear & Audible Speech, Pace , Pitch & Body Movements.

The groups were given time to practice their Choral Reading of Dan, The Flying Man.
Together as a class, we thought of the actions that will go well with the following poem:

I am Dan , the Flying Man.
Catch me Catch me if you can.

Over a house,
and over a crane.
Over a bridge,
and over a train.

Over flowers,
over trees,
over Mountains,
over seas.

I am Dan, the Flying Man.
Catch me,catch me if you can.

All the people ran and ran.
They caught Dan,the Flying Man.

Best Group for Week 7

For Week 7, t he Best Group goes to the Red Carebears! Congratulations Red Carebears :)

Best Group For Week 6

The winners for the Best Group for Week 6

are the Green Carebears. Well Done. Keep it up !

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 4 Winners

On every Friday, I give out little tokens to groups that are best behaved & showed the most team spirit for the week. The winner for Week 4 are the Yellow Care Bears. Well Done & keep it up !

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Mr Ali was dressed as God of Fortune.

Hopping into a great year!

On 2 Feb , the school celebrated Chinese New Year . This is the first event of the year where Endeavour students came to school in their home clothes. All my little ones in 1H came decked in their colourful traditional costumes or home clothes. They were indeed excited as one of the boy even asked if he could "gel" his hair for the special occasion:)

We enjoyed the concert which include a cross talk, a chinese dance performance, a wu shu performance , an art presentation and a song item.The highlight of the concert was the lion dance performance. The children later returned to class for a classroom activity. It was indeed an eventful day for all.

I would like to wish all of you a Happy and Blessed Chinese New Year & may all my little ones "HOP" for excellence in their character & results this year.