Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our Animal Picture Graphs

As part of the Mathematics Holistic Assessment, the students are required to work in groups to create an animal picture graph after their visit to the zoo.

Here are some pictures of our students working in teams to put their picture graphs together.
Working in teams help them to work co-operatively to achieve a common goal. I hope that the group work will give them the experience to also strengthen their social skills with their friends when problem solving. They learn how to discuss with their friends (sometimes meeting each other half way) when each has a different way of doing things. Most of the students enjoy group work and the class can get a little "loud" as discussions go on. I told the class these are "positive" noise. Most of the students have made good progress. They have grown so much from the first day I see them in January. I am proud of you, 1H.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Online Addition Games

We are learning to do simple addition in class. Here are some websites for you to practise your addition skills .

1. Funky Mummy

2. Addition Snap

3. Space Shuttle Launch : Try the "Addition"

4. Addition Dragons

5. Sharks Attack

6. Fun In the Park

Have Fun learning !

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Fun Day At The Zoo

On our bus journey to the zoo...

At the entrance ......

Sebastian and Gabrielle collecting data for their picture graphs.

Taking a closer look at the Orang Utans from the bridge.

After much walking, we stopped for a break. By then, the children were very hungry and they were delighted that it was "Snack Time" !

Some pictures before the "Splash Safari" show begins.

My little ones getting hungry again.........

Our class went on a second learning journey for this year on 7 July 2011. Our destination this time was the Singapore Zoo. Although many of the children had visited the zoo before, it was nothing like compared to visiting the zoo with their own classmates! The students were learning about animals in their English lessons. We just finished reading the Big Book "Tall Short, Big or Small" so the visit was very timely. They were also required to complete a Mathematics Performance Task at the zoo. For this task they were required to collaborate as a group to :

1) Collect and organise data on the zoo animals
2) Create their own animal picture graph

When they returned to class, they will need to interpret the data based on their picture graphs.
Besides seeing and learning about the many zoo animals, the children were also delighted by the seal's performance at the "Splash Safari" show.We want to say a big "Thank You" to Mrs Loh ( Chuan Kit's mum) and Mrs Tan ( Rachael's mum) for taking their time off to come along with us as parent volunteers. They were a great help.
It was a tiring day as we did a lot of walking but it was a fun and memorable day of learning outdoors.