Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ice-Cream Party

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We read a new big book " The Giant's Ice Cream" in class. In this funny story, the giant ate so much ice cream that he was stuck in the doorway!

As part of our MLEA ( Modified Language Experience Approach) learning, the class had an ice-cream party last week. Each child received a cup of chocolate and vanilla ice cream. We decorated our ice cream with rainbow rice, raisins and M and Ms chocolate.

We had a yummy time eating our delicious ice cream. Then we went on to write about our wonderful experience in our class writing.

Little Whiteboards

Dear parents,

I would appreciate if you could help ensure that your child brings his/her little whiteboard, marker and duster to class everyday. This allows him/her to participate actively in class activities. The students are often required to write and flash their answers on the whiteboards. That way it allows me to check his/her understanding of lessons learned quickly.

Kindly also help label your child's above items clearly with their names to avoid any confusion in the classroom.

Thank you,
Mrs Ow Yong

Monday, May 9, 2011

Length & Place Value

For the topic of Length, the students learned to measure items using non-standard units. Here are some pictures of them measuring things around them using wooden sticks and paper clips.

Last week, they learned about "Place Value". Here, they work with a place value chart together with their partner.