Sunday, April 17, 2011

MLEA -Sandwich Making

After reading the Big Book " The Hungry Giant", our class went through a writing lesson using the MLEA ( Modified Language Experience Approach) . The students went through the experience of making their own sandwich. After the sandwich making experience, the class did a teacher guided class writing. Then they moved on to do a group writing and finally they each did their own individual writing.

Here are some photos of their learning process.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Smarty Pants Craft

In English class, we read the big book "Smarty Pants."

In this story, we read about a clown called "Smarty Pants" who could do many tricks. The children then made their very own Smarty Pants craft during their art lessons using toilet rolls (recycled art ). The students then used it as a finger puppet to dramatize the story.

This role play strategy is a teaching and learning methodology that is intrinsically motivating for the students. The strategy plays a key role in the students' reading, writing , speaking & listening skills.

The drama role play also provides the students with a purpose for the reading and an avenue for the expression of their learning.