Monday, January 9, 2012

Prize Giving Day 2011

Here are some photos taken with the prize winners on Prize Giving Day last year.
Congratulations to the following award winners:
1st in Class : Alicia Tan
2nd in Class : Glenda Chong
3rd in Class : Zxan Ho
3rd in Class : Amabel Tam
2H Character Award Winner : Goh Mun Thene
Well done children! I am very proud of you.May you keep up the good work in 2012.

Happy New Year

Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new school year! I hope you have enjoyed your December holidays. I am glad to be
your child’s form teacher this year. I will be teaching your child English Language, Mathematics, Social Studies and Art.

As an educator, I value my job and the opportunity that I have to
teach your child. Your child’s success in my classroom is my number-one
priority. We can work together to support your child's academic progress and
character development. For example, you can ask your child what they learned in
school every day and encourage your child to ask questions in class.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave me a note in
your child’s handbook or contact me by call/SMS.

I look forward to an enriching time of learning
with your child.

Thank you and best regards
Mrs Adriel Ow Yong
Form Teacher - Primary 2H
Endeavour Primary School

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stars of 1H

We are proud of Sue Zheng Yong. He was awarded Star Reader of the Year (2011).There were only 3 winners from the whole P1 level.

Tian Qi, Athirah and Kai Jie

We also want to congratulate the following students for being awarded the "Character Awards" :

Most Diligent Pupil goes to Geoy Kai Jie.
Kai Jie is a hardworking pupil who puts in a great deal of effort in school work .

Most Compassionate Pupil goes to Athirah.
Athirah is a compassionate pupil who is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Most Persevering Pupil goes to Wang Tian Qi .
Tian Qi strives to do well in class and does not give up easily when faced with difficulties.

Well done children! May you always be good role models for all the students.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rainbow Day

On 6 October, our school celebrated Children's Day. It was also the last Rainbow Day of the year. This Rainbow Day was especially special to the students in 1H as it was their turn to perform on stage. The students spent time researching and discussing for an item to perform. We decided on a dance item. I suggested the we could do an action song from the many Hi-5 songs. But many were against the idea, they feedback that the songs were too"kiddy".

Amabel suggested a song "Don't stop Believing". It was taken from the show " Glee". After showing the students the dance moves from "Youtube", they all loved it and were excited to start learning the dance moves.

I seek the help from Mrs Tong, an Endeavour teacher who has a gift for dance to teach the students the dance moves. We were grateful that she agreed and took time off from her free periods to train the little ones. She choreographed the dance moves and the students practised hard. Though the class could not quite get some of the steps right at first, I am glad to see that they persevere on and tried their best to learn. I like that spirit.

Their hard work paid off and they put up a great performance on Rainbow Day. Great job, 1H! I am proud of you. A big thank you to all parents who took time off to support the children.

A video of their performance can be found on the homepage of our school blog. Here are some photos I would like to share.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Show & Tell

Dear parents,

Some of the students have completed their informal Show and Tell this week. The topic was " My favourite Fruit". Some students brought real fruits, others showed a print-out or drawing. A student even made a fruit craft work ! They did a great job.

A general feedback is that the students need to be louder so that all their classmates can hear their wonderful presentations.

Some of the students also read directly from their scripts in their hands. Hence, not giving eye contact to the audience. I shared with the students that we are having a "Show & Tell" activity and not a "Show & Read" activity. Please help and encourage your child to memorize their scripts.

Here is a video to have some ideas for the Show and Tell. A special thanks to Madam Nadia for sharing this video.

Mid Autumn Festival Celebration

Here are the photos taken during the Mid Autumn Festival celebration in our school.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dress Code for Rainbow Day Performance

Our class will be performing a dance item on Rainbow Day 4. The performance is on 6 October (Thursday). The school will also be celebrating Children's Day on that day. The class is excited about the dance.

Please note that the dress code for the dance item is :

For Boys : Blue shirt/T-shirt and blue jeans

For Girls : Pink blouse/T-shirt and blue jeans